
So.. What exactly is Fascia?

Fascia is a network of connective tissue, without beginning or end

and it envelopes almost everything in the body – from muscles and the skeleton, to organs and cells.

Figuratively speaking, every part of the body is enclosed in thin bags, known as connective tissue. These bags are in turn linked to each other in an extensive network, serving as the body’s backbone and keeping all parts in place.

The fascia has a vital importance for the slightest muscle movement, but also works when we remain still, as the immune system uses the network to keep us healthy. Additionally the fascia works to reduce pain during an accident. If you, for example, hurt your foot the body compensates by means of the fascia so that a portion of the blast is concentrated to the knee, thigh and sometimes the hip and lumbar spine. The compensation and the realization that everything is linked together becomes particularly interesting when you look at what happens during lock-ups and inflammation in the fascia.

Think of fascia as the most sensitive, highly interconnected system in the entire body — it’s the life force next to blood. Without fascia, toned and structured muscle would turn to hamburger meat, organs would spread like wildfire and bones would crumble, as fascia is the single element that organizes and suspends these parts of the body. It’s the most highly innervated tissue, sensitive to every hormone in your system, recoiling with every bump and bruise sustained.

Our understanding of fascia in modern science will revolutionize how we exercise, how surgeons operate, how athletes train and how we address pain management. Fascia is the frontier of body knowledge, and the better you understand what it is and how it works, the more in tune with your body you’ll be. Here’s what you should know about

But.. Why is it so important?

Emotional implications of working with the fascia

Most all musculoskeletal pain is a combination of muscle or fascia pain, the percentage or degree depending on each individual.

The fascia is the three dimensional structure of this corporal memory and has a direct connection to emotions. The body is a reflection of the mind and stores traumas and memories much more faithfully than the mind, which has a way of twisting, obfuscating and forgetting. Physically releasing tightness and pain caused by these emotions often releases the emotions that created the pain. What is hidden and “forgotten” is what has power. By shining a mental spotlight on the area of pain, the person can then let it go and its power and its effects can often dissolve, disappearing almost like magic

Loss, hurt and heartbreak affects one’s heart. Though time heals to some degree, the physical effects often stay, and continue affecting one both physically and emotionally. By working deep into the fascia and muscles of the chest, for example, one can reconnect with the unconscious memory and then release it. The chest can then be felt to be more open, breathing becomes easier and the heart more easily expanded permitting an emotional release that is often even more profound and transformational than the physical.

Unhealthy fascia is rigid and can encase the body like a straitjacket, restricting muscular function. Often it develops so gradually one is not aware of it until it is released. Since the fascia encases the muscle, stretching it can allow the muscle to release so that later work on that muscle is much more effective. Stretching of the fascia also can have a deeply relaxing effect, creating almost a trancelike state and allowing a release of energy and reestablishing a connection with one’s spiritual source.

Most all musculoskeletal pain is a combination of muscle or fascia pain, the percentage or degree depending on each individual. Fascia can be stretched physically. Muscle tissue can be relaxed easily, but often it has to be cajoled, worked with, convinced to release. To do this one often needs to play with and trick the unconscious mind that controls the muscle to let go of its defenses and release. Often just the right amount of pressure applied at the right place is where one begins. The mind focuses on the pain in that muscle and it slowly relaxes. As it relaxes the pain decreases and over the course of a session a biofeedback mechanism often kicks in and the body learns that by releasing the muscle the pain recedes and it begins to respond faster and faster. It is often that simple. Pain that has been carried for years is released in a matter of minutes.

More information

What can we do for you?

Totally customized fascia Health plan.

Specific Muscle Activation

Activation of the muscle group you we will be blasting is done to create blood flow, up the heart rate and fire up internal heat.

Essential Oils

A very special blend of Doterra slim and sassy blend to target and activate fat burning and to create a very easy surface  to blast on.


Cupping is an option to insure sufficient blood flow and to soften the superficial fascia to the area that is being blasted.

External Heat

The entire session is done in an infrared Sauna that will provide you with your external heat.  No need for space heaters and hot baths or showers.  We have it all

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

To understand how fascia blasting works, we need to look into the functioning of IASTMInstrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization is a clinical process in which a set of hand-held tools are used to break down scar tissue and fascial restriction in muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascias, and nerve, which compose the ‘soft tissues.’

3 area -Full Body Blasting

Even though Ashley Black promotes the use of a fascia blaster at home, a device such as this in the hands of experts can be even more useful. Most spas and clinics begin with a warm-up session in which they heat your body in one of their infrared body wraps-mats. After it’s done, your body will be lathered up in oil to facilitate greater penetration.

The clinician will then proceed to blast your body, focusing on the sections of most significant concern.

Professionals know exactly how much pressure to apply and to which parts of the body. They’re also acutely aware which direction the fascia blaster should be rubbed. It will take a specific number of sessions for you to see results, so be patient.

Structural Fascia

These are the long lines of thicker, denser fascia that run throughout the body. Structural fascia is clearly visible in the dissections of Tom Meyers and are imaged in his book Anatomy Trains. These lines can run from the tips of the toes to the brow bone, from thumb to thumb, from inside to out and in some cases spiraling through the body. The fibers of Structural Fascia have the ability to contract, relax and stretch, just as muscles do. These lines cross in the body like highways and interchanges. They have the ability to pull the skeleton as well as surrounding structures out of alignment. Where structural fascia crosses, it has the capability of jamming and adhering joints, including structures of the vertebral column. In meats such as ribs, the structural fascia is the silver lining and in chicken just inside the skin is a silky membrane.

Inter-Structural Fascia

This is the cobweb-like fascia found within the body. The Inter-Structural Fascia of muscles contracts, relaxes and stretches with the muscle fibers. They are clearly visible in edible meat products such as chicken and steak when the muscles fibers are pulled apart. Inter-Structural Fascia also penetrates and surrounds the brain, organs, cartilage, blood vessels, nerves and literally every system of the body. The Inter-Structural Fascia is highly adhesive. When this type of fascia adheres, it can stick to other fascial fibers within the structure, the fibers of a single structure, as well as sticking two or more structures together. This adhesive process interrupts the function of the structures.

Visceral Fascia

This Jell-O quality fascia is primarily found in the abdominal cavity. Visceral fascia is the only fascia that can change properties as documented in “Strolling Beneath the Skin”. The visceral fascia interacts with all of the structures including the other types of fascia inside the “blank spaces of the body”. Visceral Fascia is highly protective in nature and when tight, will restrict all of the functions of the adjoining structures.

The Secret Life Of Fascia!!